Enter product title maximum of 30 characters.

The product title will display on the shop page like this :

The product title will display on the product details page like this :

With attributes and categories set up and stock management configured, we can begin adding products. When adding a product, the first thing to decide is what type of product it is.

Simple – covers the vast majority of any products you may sell. Simple products are shipped and have no options.

When we select product types is ‘simple’ and then affected in the below fields.

– Enabled 3 check boxes ‘Catalog’, ‘Virtual’, ‘Downloadable’ and ‘price’ box.

Virtual – one that doesn’t require shipping. For example, a service. Enabling this, disables all shipping related fields such as shipping dimensions. A virtual product will also not trigger the shipping calculator in cart and checkout.

When we select product types is ‘Variable Product’ and then affected in the below fields.

– Enabled 1 check boxes ‘Catalog’ and ‘Variations’ tab.

Grouped – a collection of related products that can be purchased individually and only consist of simple products. For example, a set of six drinking glasses.

When we select product types is ‘Grouped Product’ and then affected in the below fields.

– Disabled 3 check boxes ‘Catalog’, ‘Virtual’, ‘Downloadable’ and ‘price’ box.

– Enabled ‘Grouped Products’ tab.

External or Affiliate – one that you list and describe on your website but is sold elsewhere.

When we select product types is ‘External/Affiliate Product’ and then affected in the below fields.

– Disabled 3 check boxes ‘Catalog’, ‘Virtual’, ‘Downloadable’.

– Enabled ‘price’ box.

When we select catalog checkbox then affected in the below fields.

– Enabled ‘Catalog Mode’ tab.

When we select virtual checkbox then affected in the below fields.

– Disabled all shipping related fields.

When we select Downloadable checkbox then affected in the below fields.

Downloadable products give access to a file upon purchase.

– Enabled Downloadable’ tab.

Regular Price – Add Product  regular price.

The Regular Price will display on the shop page like this:

The Regular Price will display on the product details page like this:

Product discounted price that can then be scheduled for certain date ranges. The sale expires at 11:59pm of the specified end date

The Sale Price will display on the shop page like this:

The Sale Price will display on the product details page like this:

Frequency of payment like Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Every Three Months, Every Six Months, and Annual will display on the product single page.

A short Description typically appears on the product single page.

A Description typically appears on the product single page.

The product gallery will display on the product single page.

the image minimum width should 700px and minimum height 1000px.

Attributes will be added automatically in the backend when the category is selected.

Selected categories will display on the product single page.

The product brand will be displayed on the product single page.

The product tags will be displayed on the product single page.

Shop and search – Visible everywhere, shop pages, category pages and search results.
Shop only – Visible in shop pages and category pages, but not search results.
Search only – Visible in search results, but not in the shop page or category pages.
Hidden – Only visible on the single product page – not on any other pages.

The product attributes will be displayed on the product single page

The product shipping details will be displayed in the Specification tab on the product single page

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