Common Questions


Click Login. Enter your registered Email address and password. Click Login.

Click Login. Choose Vendor Login. Enter your Vendor ShopName. Enter your Email and Password. Click Log In

Check if you’re using the email address registered on Ethio. You can only log in to your Ethio account with a registered email and the correct password.

It’s advisable that you keep your logins a secret but you can share them with trustworthy partners so they can upload products and respond to your customer in a timely fashion. Be aware though, sharing login details can lead to your account being banned if the other person contravenes the Terms of Use. Be judicious when sharing your Ethio logins to safeguard your account.


Click Register. Fill in your Name, Email address, and Date of birth. Enter a Password and confirm the Password. Check the Terms of Service box. Click Register. Check your inbox for a confirmation email. Click Verify. Enter your Email and Password to log in to your Ethio account and create your profile

Login to your account. Click Edit Profile. Enter your Preferable Name. You can also enter (or change) a Business Name. Check the box next to Is Preferred to display the business name instead of your name.

Login to your account. Click Edit Profile and scroll down to Contact number. Edit the phone number or enter a secondary phone number. Check the Is Preferred to use the second phone number on your profile.

 Login to your account. Click Edit Profile to open your profile and fill in the information

Login to your account. Click Edit Profile to open your profile page. Fill in the Business location details.

 You can include Google Maps with your business location.

 Registering on Ethio lets you leave feedback on both products and sellers and rate their services. It also lets you create a Wish List of the product your like. Feedback and reviews help other shoppers get the best service and help us to keep our users safe.

You must be an adult of legal age to register on Ethio marketplace. We use the date of birth as proof that you’re an adult who can trade and buy items using our platform

Log in to your account. Click Edit Profile on the right-side panel to open the Edit Profile window. Fill in the necessary details

Ethio allows you to use multiple emails on your account. A secondary email provides an additional way for your customers to reach you or your business partners.

 It’s an alternative number where your customers can reach you on. You can include up to three phone numbers – mobile, work, and home – to let customers reach you at any time.

Which Information Is Required In MY Ethio Profile?

Help! I Can’t Find My Confirmation Email

Your profile on the Ethio Marketplace should include your name, business name (optional), email address, phone number, Website, a brief personal or business description. You should also include business location – Country, State, City, and physical business address. You can also include a Google Map pin.

Which Information Is Required In MY Ethio Profile?


Help! I Can’t Find My Confirmation Email


Check the spam folder. The white list Ethio in your email address. Click Report not spam to whitelist Ethio. Now the emails will land straight in the inbox.

Which Information Is Required In MY Ethio Profile?

Help! I Can’t Find My Confirmation Email


 You can access the home page by clicking on the home page icon or the Home tab on the top left corner. You can also click the Ethio logo on the top left corner.

Product List

Log into your account. Click My Products on the right-side panel to open the Product list. It shows all the products you have advertised on the platform.

 You can post as many products as you wish on Ethio Marketplace

You can have a diverse collection of products on the marketplace. Just be sure to list each product in the proper category.

It’s advisable that sellers follow the full spirit of the law when listing products on the platform including having a license to sell regulated products.

Post Product

Login to your account. Click Post Product or Advertise For Free. Choose a product category and follow the prompts to post your products. Be as detailed as possible when describing your products and services. Use plenty of clear, high-quality pictures.

Login to your account. Click My Products to open your listed products. Click the Edit icon and filling the necessary information then save the changes.

Enter product information and follow the prompts at each step. Click Finish when you get to the last step to save a product.

 Click the button on top bar that says “Advertise for free”, then Log In (or register if you have not signed up) and follow the steps.

 Login to your account. Click the Notifications bell

Login to your account. Click My Products to display all the listed products on the dashboard.

Log into your Vendor account. Click Advertise For Free or Post Product. Follow the steps and fill in the necessary information.

Ethio uses geo-targeting when displaying ads. Specifying the product’s location lets the platform show the ads to customers in that location. It links you with potential customers while eliminating unnecessary calls from buyers outside the region.

Ethio sends an automated email each time a moderator approves your ad to go live on the marketplace.


They provide short and precise answers to the most common questions about using Ethio Marketplace. Click FAQs to open the expandable FAQs menu. Click the category of the question to expand the menu. Didn’t get the answer you’re looking for? Contact us on social media, phone, or Contact Us page.
If our comprehensive FAQs don’t adequately address your issue, please reach out through our Contact Us page, phone number, or social media handles. We are happy to answer any question regarding the Ethio online marketplace.

No. You can access Ethio from anywhere in the world. You can identify a product you like and have a trusted contact in Ethiopia pick the item from the seller and make payment.

Yes. Ethio is an online marketplace that’s accessible from every corner of the globe. Ethiopians can shop on the platform and have the sellers deliver the item to a trusted contact. in Ethiopia.

Yes. Ethio lets you browse and buy items even when you’re outside the country. However, you need a local contact to accept delivery and make payment on receiving and inspecting the goods.

Yes. You can use Ethio while you’re outside the country. But you’ll need a local contact to seal the deal with the sellers and accept delivery.


Ethio is an online marketplace for literally everything under the sun. From Real estate properties to cars and spare parts, clothing to cosmetics, events & gatherings to construction, education & training to job vacancies, anything. Check out our Home page for more categories.

 Ethio doesn’t support any illegal or prohibited products and services. Narcotics, controlled substances, weapons, or any other illegal items are banned from the marketplace. Any account advertising illegal or prohibited products will be banned. Check ABout Us page for a more comprehensive list of prohibited items.

Click the broad product category. Click Others at the bottom of the tab. Click Post Product on the new window. Fill in the details in the necessary details and follow the prompts to post the product.

We always welcome user feedback. If you can think of a way to help us improve our categories, please do feel free to reach out through our contact page or email.

About Us

 Ethio is an online marketplace created for Ethiopians by Ethiopians. The online marketplace uses modern technology to connect Ethiopian buyers with Ethiopian sellers. We are here to help Ethiopians sell over the internet – Free of Charge! Simply register an account on Ethio to start posting your products and services. It Is That Simple!

 Ethio is an Ethiopian-based marketplace created to meet the specific needs of Ethiopian businesses and shoppers. Our main office is at Main Office Mike Leyland St, Addis Ababa 0135, Ethiopia. We also have a satellite office in the US – 300 Colonial Center Parkway, STE 100N, Roswell GA 30076 USA

No. Ethio is not an e-commerce site. It’s an advertising platform that allows Ethiopian businesses and individual sellers to advertise goods for sale free of charge. Ethio allows a buyer to contact the seller so they can arrange a face-to-face meeting and transact off the platform. Because it’s not an e-commerce site, Ethio doesn’t accept or facilitate payment between sellers and buyers.


Report any abuse or fraudulent listing on Ethio by calling or texting +251 11 1111111111. You can also flag the problematic advert and report it to our moderators Or use the Contact Us page. You can also alert us on social media – Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram

Ethio will suspend any account engaged in fraudulent activity, selling prohibited products or services, or reported for fraud by other platform users. Check out our Terms of Use for more information.

Ethio deals with each case pertaining to account suspension and deactivation on individual merit. Reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help you resolve the issue.

Ethio doesn’t tolerate or condone any illegal activities. Any account found engaging in illegal or criminal activity will be deactivated and the seller banned from the marketplace permanently.

No. You can’t register again if your account is deactivated for contravening the Terms of Use.

Ethio takes user safety seriously. We go the extra mile to protect the people using our online marketplace. Anyone suspected of fraud and illegal activity is permanently banned from the platform to protect other users and ensure they have a safe and pleasant experience using the platform.

Fraudulent sellers are permanently banned from the Ethio online marketplace.

Avoid Scams & Fraud

Log into your account. Search for the product you bought. Click More Details. Scroll to the bottom of the advert. Enter the Title of your review. Fill in the Comment. Give a star Rating. Click Submit.

Log into your account. 2. Open the fraudulent listing. 3. Click View More. Scroll to the bottom of the page. 4. Click Report A Product tab. 5. Select Reason from the drop-down menu. 6. Enter the exact reason in the Comment tab. 7. Enter a suggestion in the Suggested Actions tab. 8. Click Submit.
Keep the recommendation in the Suggested Actions box short and precise
Log into your account. Open any product by the Seller you wish to review. Scroll down the page to Seller Reviews. Enter the Title of the review. Fill in your review in the Comment tab. Give a star Rating. Click Submit.

Open any listing by the seller. The ratings are on the right side of their profile page.

You need a registered account to review and rate any seller on the marketplace.

Ethio doesn’t accept or facilitate payment between buyers and sellers.

Ethio doesn’t guarantee payment for goods or services. It only links a buyer to a seller but doesn’t facilitate the trade or financial transactions.

Contact Us

Visit our Main Office Mike Leyland St, Addis Ababa 0135, Ethiopia Call or Text: 11197744 or 111977445 Or through our Contact US page. You can also reach through our social media handles.


Check if you’ve filled all the fields marked with an asterisk (*). This information is mandatory. Fill in the information and try again.

You can switch between the Amharic and English languages

 Open the marketplace on your computer or mobile device. Use the search function to search for a product. Read the product description and check the product review. Check the seller’s feedback and reviews. Contact the seller if you like the product through call, message, or email. Arrange a meeting with the seller, inspect the product, and pay the seller if the product is up to your liking.

We provide detailed guides and information in out FAQs section to help you post your product and services on the marketplace. Find all the inform under the Post Products tab in the FAQs Section. Need more help? Contact us.

Ethio lets you compare different products listed in the marketplace so you can make an informed buying decision. Simply click on the compare icon on each product you wish to compare. Then click the compare icon on the top right corner.

Log into your account. Search for the product you wish to buy. Click the Compare icon ( looks like arrows). Repeat the process for the next item you wish to compare. Click the Compare icon at the top right corner to open the compare window.

Click on the category of the product to open the available adverts. Or use the search function to search for the item. Hover your mouse over the product. Click More Details to open the product in a bigger window.

Click More Details on the popup menu to view an advert on the marketplace.

Browse Ethio for a product you like from anywhere in the world. Contact the seller through email or phone number to negotiate the price. Have a local contact receive the product and facilitate payment. Never send a payment before your local contact has confirmed delivery and inspected the item to avoid falling victim to a scammer.


No. Ethio isn’t responsible for any transactions happening between buyers and sellers using the platform. We advise our users to conduct due diligence before paying for goods and services listed on the marketplace. Check out How to Avoid Scam and Personal Safety Tips for more information.

No. Ethio doesn’t guarantee results for sellers using the platform. However, we make every effort to help you create great listings that attract people to view your products. If your products aren’t selling as fast as you’d like check out our Post Products FAQs for tips.

Personal Safety & Tips

Carry out your due diligence and exercise sound judgment when buying products from sellers on the marketplace. Use the reviews and ratings – Buy products with great reviews from highly rated sellers. • Meet sellers in a public place • Bring a friend when meeting a seller • Never send a payment for undelivered goods • Always inspect the product before paying

Always check the product’s rating and feedback from previous customers. Avoid products with poor ratings and negative feedback. Always inspect a product thoroughly before accepting delivery and making payment.

Always take a friend or two when selling a precious item such as a car. Never let more than one person accompany you during the test drive and always stick to main roads. Insist on bank transactions instead of hard cash if you can help it. Alway count and authenticate each banknote if take cash payment.

Always insist on meeting the buyer in a public place. Never let the item out of your sight. Be wary of buyers with tall tales, complicated instructions, or in a great rush. Never agree to transact in the buyer’s car. Inspect each banknote for authenticity or if possible insist on your best payment method. Never accept bankers’ cheques – not matter how genuine they look.

Privacy Policies

No. Ethio values privacy as much as you do and we’ll never sell your data to a third party.

Ethio collects basic user information including name, email address, and date of birth as you register an account in the marketplace. The platform may collect the information you enter into your Ethio accounts such as contact information, email, location, and business address.

Ethio values your need for privacy and we’ll never sell or grant third-party access to your data and private information. We use state-of-the-art web security technology to encrypt each page on the marketplace to keep our users safe.

 Ethio uses the latest 256-bit security to secure and safeguard user data and information against unauthorized access. We use state-of-the-art web security technology to encrypt each page on the marketplace to keep our users safe.

Product Detail

Include the most useful information about the product. What does the buyer need to know about the particular product? Think of it as having a conversation with a customer and answer all the questions they ask about the product while buying it in person. Detailed product information will draw more customers to your adverts and entice them to buy. Online customers gravitate towards detailed listings that provide them with sufficient information to make a buying decision.

Think of product details as a short and effective sales pitch. List the most important features of the product and the benefits that confer to the users. Consider the information the customer needs to make a buying decision and include it. Provide as much helpful information as you can to help the customer understand why the product is right for them and why they should buy it.

Talk to your customers to understand what they consider when buying the product. Look at similar listings on the platform. You can also read the manufacturer’s information and include those features.

Sometimes the customer doesn’t understand the technical details about the products. It’s best to use product details that are easy to understand. Translate the technical details into benefits and explain how they’ll improve the customer’s life.

Ethio makes it easy for you to list your products on the marketplace. We exhaustively group products into categories and subcategories. Simply choose the appropriate category and subcategory for your product and follow the instruction to advertise the product.


Your Ad can remain live on the marketplace for up to 12 months. You can choose custom duration – 3, 6, 9, or 12 months when listing the add on the marketplace.


Your Ad can remain live on the marketplace for up to 12 months. You can choose custom duration – 3, 6, 9, or 12 months when listing the add on the marketplace.

Terms Of Uses

The Terms of Use are at the bottom of each page. You can also access them by visiting https://ethioclick.com/app/main/termsofuse

 No. You must accept the Terms of Use to use the Ethio online marketplace.

 It’s an agreement that informs Ethio users what they can or can’t do or sell on the marketplace. It’s important that you read the Terms of Use when registering on Ethio.

My Dashboard

Logging into your account opens the dashboard. You can also access it by clicking My Products while you’re logged into your account.

 It’s a tool to let you manage your activity on the platform quickly and easily. It displays your listed products, wishlist, incomplete listings, and notifications. It also lets you edit your profile and change your password quickly. My dashboard lets you see your account activity at a glance.

Vender Register

Login to your account (or register if you haven’t joined). Click Join As Vendor on the right side of the page. Fill in all the required information.

 Ethio changes your name when you register as a vendor and set your business name as preferred. You can edit the name to your liking but your customers will see the business name while interacting with you.

You should include your website and social accounts in your vendor profile.

Registering on Ethio is FREE of Charge for both vendors and individuals.

Vendor accounts have more features to help you grow your business. With a vendor account, you can build a FREE online store on the Ethio platform and brand it as you like. That’s the equivalent of having a business website minus the associated costs. You can post your entire product catalogue with no extra charges, however extensive your product line.

 Vendors can build branded online stores on Ethio marketplace Free of Charge.

Yes. You can have multiple Vendor accounts for your multiple businesses.

No. Any products you list under your vendor account appear on the Home page and the Category pages. There’s no need to post them under your individual account.

Yes, Ethio lets you build a custom-branded e-commerce store on the marketplace FREE of Charge. We impose no limits on the number of products you can list in your branded online store.

My Profile

Login to your account. Click Edit Profile. You can change the Primary Email or add a Secondary Email. You may set secondary Email as preferred Seller Email.

You can’t change the vendor name after registration.

Vendor Edit

 Login to your account. Click Edit Profile and fill in the website address in the website field then click Submit.

 Login to your vendor account with Vendor Shop Name and password. Click Edit Vendor to open your profile page. Edit the necessary information.

You can customize your vendor’s page with your brand colors, logo, banner image, and page layout. You can also include your social media handles.

Log into your vendor account. Click Edit Vendor on the right-side panel to open the Edit Vendor page. Edit your contact details and Click Next. Follow the steps and update any other details and click Save.

Log into your vendor account. Click My Account. Click the Edit icon on the profile picture. Search for the image in the dialogue box. Select the image and click Open. Click Yes on the pop-up window to confirm the upload. Click Ok.

Change Password

Click Login. Click Forgot Password? Enter your registered Email Address. Check your Email for a password reset link. Click Reset. Enter New Password and Confirm Password. Click Submit.

Log into your account. Click Change Password. Enter the old password then the new password and confirm it. Click Save.

My Incomplete Products

 It is a listing that has doesn’t have all the details. Login to your account and complete the listing process.

 Incomplete product listings aren’t visible on the marketplace. You must follow all the steps and fill in all the information to list a product. Then you must submit the finished listing so our moderators can review the ad allows it to go live on the marketplace. Our moderators have no access to your account and so can’t review your incomplete products.

My Products

Ethio allows you to specify the period the ad stays on the platform. You can choose 3, 6,9, or 12 months

Log into your account. Click My Products to open your products page. Click Sold on the posting with the sold item. If the item doesn’t sell, click the Unsold icon.

Log into your account. Click My Products. Click Out of Stock. The platform marks the product as Out of Stock.

Log into your account. Click My Products to open the listings page. Open the listing with the unavailable item. Click Not Available icon on the item. The platform marks the item as Not Available.

Log into your account. Click My Products. Click the Delete icon on top of the posting. Click Yes on the pop-up box.

My Wish List

 Log into your Account. Click My Wish List. Any items on the Wish List will appear here.

Log into your account. Search for the item you wish to add to your Wish List. Hover the cursors over the listing to bring up a pop-up menu. Click the Wishlist icon (♥).

Log into your account. Click the Wish List icon on the top right corner to open the Wish List. Hover your mouse on the product you wish to delete. Click the heart icon on the popup box in the top right corner. Click Yes to confirm the action.

My Watch List

It’s a quick and convenient way to let you track the items you’re hoping to get a good deal on at the Ethio marketplace.

Vendor AboutUs

Enter your business profile – your area of specialization, types of products you carry, or the services you offer. Use this space to wow customers and endear your products and services to the customer. Tell the customer why you’re a reliable source by stating your experience, professional qualification, and such. The key here is to inspire confidence and come off as professional. Do you handcraft each item you sell? Or use all-natural ingredients in products? Let the customers now by including this information in your About Us Page.

Log into your Vendor account. Click About Us on the bottom right corner to open the About Us Page. Click the drop arrow on the Actions icon then click Edit to activate the Content tab. Edit the necessary details and click save.

 Customers need assurance when shopping online. A compelling About Us page paints your business as genuine, professional, and capable. Use this space to inspire confidence and encourage prospects to buy your products or engage your services. Use a simple and direct title that instantly tells the customer the products you deal with. Explain how your history, skills, experience, and more make you the best source of the product or the best service provider. Entice and encourage the prospects to reach out and buy your product.

Vender ContactUs

Enter the information that makes it easy for customers to reach out to your business. This includes your physical location, phone number, email, website, and fax number. Mark the location on Google Maps as well.

Log into your vendor account. Click Edit Vendor to open the Edit Vendor page. Click Next until you get to the Weekly Schedule tab. Choose your working days and enter the hours. Click Next until the last tab then click Save to save the changes.

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